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Last updated: 23-08-09



Topics - What to learn

Test the kit

 A simple but effective exercise to prove there's "hole through" - Schematic and VHDL
Combinatorial Logic  Combinatorial Logic - Multiplexers and Decoders.
SR-Latch  The S-R Latch properly the most basic memory element in digital designs
D-Latch  The D-Latch integrated part of all FPGA's

 D-Flip/Flops the most important storage element in digital design (integrated in FPGA's)

D-F/F Ce Clr Res  D-Flip/Flops comes with extra control pins in order to Enable Clock, Clear or Reset

Debounce - Circuit

 The best solution includes a S-R Latch - this properly the second best solution of Debouching


Counter1  How to use Btn0 as a Clock signal -
Counter2..5  How fast is 50 MHz - watch the blinking diodes.
PWM vs. Sigma Delta  What's the difference between a PWM and a PPM output
FIFO buffer  Example of a "Logicore" component