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Exercise - Multiplexers and Decoders



Last updated: 16-08-09


Files_to_add.zip  - 1. Alternative - Create a new project and Add these files


VHDL_Intro1.zip - 2. Alternative - Download and unzip the project




Schematic Diagram1 - "ad hoc logic"

(1) Create a new project called "VHDL_Intro1"
(2) Create a new Schematic Source called "Diagram1"


(3) Draw a circuit like the one above
(4) Make a synthesize of the Design
(5) Try to implement the Design - A = Sw0, B = Sw1,  C= Sw2, F =Ld0
(6) Download and test the design at the Kit

(7) Try the View RTL Schematic


The RTL Schematic Viewer could give a hint of how the design implemented
                               (Specially if the design relative simple)

In this case will you get a copy of your own design (a Look Up Table would have been more correct)



Extra 1 - Try at least one of the diagrams below and use NAND or NOR logic - just for the Try.
Extra 2 - Try the same diagram as a VHDL module - Compare the two solutions with the RTL viewer.


Test Bench and Simulation

(8) Create a Test Bench - the code needed shown below
(9) Perform a behavioural simulation
(10) If you want to try Post Place&Route simulation must you choose the design as Top-level




Schematic Diagram2 - "Multiplexer based solution"

(11) Create a solution with the components shown below
(12) Perform a simulation (Just to make sure)



Schematic Diagram3 - "Decoder based solution"

(13) Create a solution with the components shown below
(14) Perform a simulation (Just to make sure)



Entity with two Architectures - Merely for demonstration