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Up ] VHDL module ] Language Assist ]

First VHDL design


Last updated: 09-09-09


 To demonstrate that VHDL actually easier to handle then schematic.

The Libraries needed will (in most cases) be selected automatically


The Entity will be generated by the Wizard


Its your decision which type of VHDL code should be used:

Concurrent code: Dataflow with AND, OR etc, WHEN ELSE,  WITH SELECT


Process - with Sequential code:  IF THEN ELSE END IF;,  CASE .. IS WHEN => END CASE;

bulletSlideshow: VHDL_introduction_part1.ppt:

 More information:

bulletPedroni chapter 2 - Code Structure
bulletPackages will be covered later - the same are true for functions and procedures.
bulletPedroni chapter 3 - Data types
bulletThe most important types are - STD_LOGIC, STD_LOGIC_VECTOR and INTEGER.
bulletEnumerated types, SUBTYPES, ARRAYS, BOOLEAN will be covered when needed.
 Exercises / Problems:
bullet Test the kit - Most of the inputs and outputs will be tested - Schematic and VHDL design





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