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Data types, Operators and Attributes



Last updated: 06-08-09

bulletChapter 3 of Pedroni gives a nearly complete overview of the Data types and operators of VHDL. Its important to know this as VHDL a very strongly typed language. However can most task and designs be solved with a few data types.
bulletIf you decide to use the type Bit and Bit_vector will the synthesize tool properly accept this. But if you want to simulate (and believe me - you will) are you bound for problems as the simulation tool prefers Std_logic instead of Bit.
Std_logic  Will cover 9 different values where: '1', '0' and 'Z' are the most useful
Std_logic_vector The bus version of this type can have indexes like (1 to 4) or (7 downto 0)
Integer Refers to a 32-bit value - in order to reduce the number of bit use: range x to y


Will be useful in concern with State Machines
Boolean Can be useful in "more advanced" designs
Time Will be useful in Test Benches
Array Can be useful in order to define RAM / ROM structures - however will this type seldom give you the optimal utilization of the FPGA
Sig'Event Will properly be the most useful of the attributes - but it depends on your ambitions
Rising_edge(sig) This function will replace:  Sig'Event and Sig='1'
Falling_edge(sig) This function will replace:  Sig'Event and Sig='0'
Operators  Your allowed to use all common operators like: + - * / and or etc.  But the division will give you problems for synthesizing.
&  The Concatenation operator will be very useful when it comes to mixing busses and signals to new busses



                        Search the net for EVITA VHDL - an interactive book on VHDL from Aldec - can be downloaded for free.

Conversions functions in VHDL - can be found in Language Assist of ISE

The most important will properly be:  CONV_STD_LOGIC_VECTOR( ,  )  and   CONV_INTEGER(  )


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