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PWM vs. Sigma Delta

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Exercise - PWM compared with PPM



Last updated: 24-08-09


Download the bit-file for you kit here:  Bitfiles_etc_PWM_PPM.zip and try out the combinations below

Based at Clk = 50 MHz
Sw3 .. Sw0
0 0 0 0 1 Blinking Blinking
1 0 0 0 1 Dimmed 1/16 Dimmed 1/16
0 0 1 0 0 Dimmed 4/16 Blinking
1 0 1 0 0 Dimmed 4/16 Dimmed 4/16
0 0 1 0 1 Dimmed 5/16 and Flickering (strange) Blinking
1 0 1 0 1 Dimmed 5/15 Dimmed 5/16
Please try all combinations you like in order to watch the difference between PWM and PPM

 (1) Calculate the estimated frequencies which Ld4 and Ld3 will be controlled by - in order to solve this must you study the Clock_scale process below.

bulletCreate your own project or use the zipped hint version here:   Exer_PWM_PPM.zip

(2) Write you own version of the code for a PWM generator.




(3) Write you own version of the code for a PPM generator.




(4) Create a Test Bench which test all PCM combinations (like shown under hints)