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FIFO buffer

Up ] FIFO Test circuit ] FIFO Component ]




Last updated: 23-08-09


Download the Bit-file from here:  Bitfiles.zip


Download the complete project for the exercises: No06_Fifo_buffer.zip


(1) Download the bit-file for the kit and try out the FIFO buffer.
     Please note:  If Sw(7)=0 will the input data come from a "Counter" which increment automatically for each Write press (Btn0)
                           if Sw(7)=1 will you be able to define the input data with the rest of the switches.
     Use Btn3 to switch between in/out display.

     How many bytes can be stored?
     What's the difference between.  Full and Almost_Full,  Empty and Almost_Empty?

(2) Modify the source code in order to "freeze" the "Counter" whenever the buffer is Full.



(3) Modify the FIFO buffer - the depth should now be 32 instead of 16. (Remember to generate)
     Download again and repeat some of the tests from (1).
     What's new about the Data_Counters - (the blinking digit)?



(4) Modify the FIFO buffer - the output data width should now be 4 instead of 8
     You must modify the test circuit as well - not that easy I believe
     How does the FIFO now react at write / read signals.

      Try out a "First-Word-Fall-Through" buffer as well