The history of digital design
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Last updated:
17-08-09 |
The Boolean algebra is the mathematical background for all digital
electronic (at least the logic part) |
The most basic logic functions can form all kinds of logic circuits.
In fact - all you need a pile of NAND gates. |
In order to reduce the amount of gates needed for a design was
Carnaugh Maps very popular - now the ISE will do the job |
Why take the time to design a digital system - A Microcontroller to
$5 and some software will do the trick |
The evolution of digital hardware started in the 60ies - TTL was the
first technology - Now CMOS the most popular |
FPGA's in combination with a Hardware description language have made
digital design easy for all engineers |
George Boole was frustrated over the
rubbish people was saying to each other and wrote in
news papers. He decided to set up a set rules (now
known as Boolean Algebra) which could be used to
analyse sentences.He had
now idea about what these rules would be used for in
our time - even people was working at mechanical
computers several years before (Blaise
Pascal 1623-1662)
