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Last updated: 21-09-09


 Bitfiles_Counterx.zip - Try the bit-files here


bulletTry one (or better all three) version of the 8-bit counter found below
The purpose to demonstrate the difference between CLEAR and RESET
bulletOne of the three versions below will not produce the correct functionality (my intention :) which one?
bulletBe course the Clock signal should be <Btn0> at kit - must you "persuade" the ISE software to accept this
By the warning can you see that done with a protest as well :-) 

bulletDesign #1


bulletDesign #2


bullet Design #3

Extra: Would this change be acceptable ???


Content of the User Constrain File


Read more about BUFG/BUFGP in the documentations of the Spartan 3E family


In order to provide fast propagation of the clock-signals inside the FPGA will have special fast connection-lines (Clock highways)
The BUFG / BUFGP could be one way to enter such a line. Another way could be to use one of the dedicated Clock pins like B8.