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PDI - Sensors and Electronics



Last updated: 31-01-12




bullet Introduction
bullet PEFI 2.2 2.3  Current and Voltage
bullet PEFI 2.3.3     Combining Batteries
bullet PEFI 2.5        R = V / I     Resistance  Ξ Voltage / Current   + 2.11  Electric Circuits
bullet PEFI 2.12      V= R*I  The Law of Ohm
bullet PEFI 2.17       Kirchhoff's Laws + 2.18 Superposition Theorem
bullet PEFI 2.19       Thevenin's and Nortons Theorems
bullet PEFI 2.20       AC Circuits
bullet Examples of Resistors which changes value depending on .....
bullet PEFI 2.23      Capacitors 
bullet PEFI 2.23.8    RC Time Contants  + Capacitors in Parallel and Series + AC current in a Capacitor + R,C,L
bullet PEFI 2.24.4    Inductors
bullet PEFI 2.24.10  L/R Time Constants + Inductors in Parallel and Series + AC current with an Inductor
bullet PEFI 4.2        Diodes
bullet PEFI 4.3        Transistors
bullet PEFI
bullet PEFI 7.x       Operational Amplifiers
bullet Instrumentation Amplifier and Wheatstone Bridge
bullet PEFI 12.2       Logic Gates






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