Your allowed to
mix Schematic and VHDL code - Most common will the top
levels be Schematic and the components will be based at
VHDL modules.
Study the Top
Levels of the Game here.
The principles of
successive approximation calls for binary numbers where
as the presentations at the display calls for Bcd
numbers - hence are a Binary to Bcd conversion needed.
The conversion will take a number of clock-cycles and
require handshake signals as well as Flip/Flops to hold
the result of the conversions. Study the code
for the Display Driver - Create at Test Bench from
Scratch (no help included)
Make a extended
version where the number could be between 1 and 9999
Extra enhanced
version of the game: Keep
somehow count of the number of guesses needed and
display both the the guessed number in say one second
and then the number of guesses in two seconds.
Make a reverse version of
the Game, where the hardware generates a random number
and its your challenge to guess the number.