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Mux Display

Up ] #1 The Schematic ] #2 The VHDL solution ] #6 Non Mux Display ]


In order to take advantage of the Display at the BASYS / NEXYS boards do you need a Multiplexed display driver, and its a good way to start using the kit and learn about digital design and VHDL.

The following solution made with standard hardware symbols and not optimal in any way. Your task will be to understand the principles and create your own VHDL based components.

Finally will you be able to make the complete "single" VHDL-component for the driver

(1) Try the design at your kit - bit-files below
(2) Study the schematic solution - link.
(3) Create your own VHDL based solution (with a schematic as top-level) - link.


Download and unzip the bit-file for your kit:   Bitfiles_Muxdisplay.zip


Try different combinations of Switches and button presses:

Start with Sw1:Sw0 = 00,  Sw2=1, Sw3=1 - Press Btn0 several times - Press Btn3 once - what happens?

Change to Sw3=0 ..... and later Sw1=1 ... explain what happens.


 Which update frequency seems to be the best for the purpose?


 What's the problems with the other?