[ Home ] [ Up ] [ #1 The Schematic ] [ #2 The VHDL solution ] [ #6 Non Mux Display ] [ Up ] [ Test_Counter_VHDL ] [ MuxDisplay_Ver2 ] [ Clock_Scale ] [ Count2bit_VHDL ] [ Mux4x4_1x4_VHDL ] [ Dec2to4_VHDL ] [ Bcd27segm_VHDL ]
Problem: Create a multiplexed display based at VHDL modules (Components)
Your free to start from scratch - but it's not recommanded.
You can find each component described above - but only the Test_Counter_VHDL complete.
For each component will you find at Test Bench which you can use to test your design.
Last updated: 08-02-12
The source tree: Test2_af_muxdisplay.sch