Each transmission from
the Master start with a
change @ SS from 1 to 0
(SS must stay low during
the transmission) |
The Master will always
transmit two bytes
(16-bit) |
The first 4-bits will be
the Address for the
internal Blok (in this
example will the blok
have the Address =
"1001" |
When the Slave have
recieved the Address
will it be transfered to
the internal AdrBus. |
If its possible to read
data (12-bits) from the
Blok should it drive the
DataBus with these data
now. |
The 12-bit Data will be
transfered to the from
the DataBus to Udbuf in
the "Load_UdBuf" state. |
In the Next 12 SClk
cycles will the Content
of the UdBuf be transfed
to the Master while the
InBuf will be filled
with data from the
Master |
| After
to InBuf being filled
with data from the
Master will the WE go
low in order to enable
the Blok to get data
from the DataBus.
This means that the
Slave will drive the
DataBus while WE=0 and
the selected Blok will
go 3. State in order to
allow this.