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VHDL Solutions - Concurrent code



Last updated: 22-07-09




Concurrent VHDL:  WHEN .. ELSE  solution

bullet Segm_b2.vhd
The basic idea in this solution is to specify which combinations of ABCD should produce a '1' at Segm_b2.

Your allowed to use more the one WHEN statement.

A WHEN assignment must always end with an ELSE value.

You must specify a 4-bit value in order to compare with ABCD.
Like "0101" for the value 5.

If your convert ABCD to an integer value can you omit " "


STD_LOGIC_VECTOR  to  integer conversions

bullet Segm_b4.vhd
The VHDL type integer makes it possible to omit the " " and use decimal numbers instead.

If the range 0 to 15 omitted will the default be a 32-bit version of signal iABCD



Please note:  No matter which VHDL solution you might chose will the result be the same - as the Equations shown above.

Concurrent VHDL:  The Boolean  solution

bullet Segm_b5.vhd
Your allowed to use STD_LOGIC signals directly in Boolean expressions.

Your might however be forced to use parentheses for the AND statements



Concurrent VHDL:  WITH .. SELECT  solution

bullet Segm_b6.vhd

ABCD <= A & B & C & D simply creates a 4-bit vector of the four signals A,B,C,D.

The WITH ABCD SELECT a nice way to implement a truthtable for the Segment b

Please note! You will properly always need a statement like
WHEN OTHERS to complete.

The true even if you believe to have specified every combination of a STD_LOGIC - VECTOR.

How come?   (Hint! how many values can a STD_LOGIC signal have)



Concurrent VHDL:  WITH .. SELECT solution - Complete Bcd to 7-Segment decoder

bullet Bcd2_7segment_v2.vhd

Splitting a VECTOR to Signals

When specifying a STD_LOGIC_ VECTOR is you allowed to use a
Low#  to High#  or High# downto Low# specification.

The interval you specify will be used from left to right and hence will:

a <= abcdefg(1)
b <= abcdefg(2) ... and hence fort for a
STD_LOGIC_ VECTOR( 1 to 7) spec.


The Boolean equations for a Bcd to 7-Segment encoder


Conclusion for the VHDL solution:

The reason why a CPLD family was chosen for this job is the fact that your allowed to watch the Boolean Equations which comes as a result of the Synthesize program.

If you compare this solution with the one given by the Schematic will you learn that by specifying a design. Please note that even Segment a now appears to use very little logic - compared with our own "handmade" solution.

Even a skilled engineer will have "a mission impossible" using Carnaugh maps.
He can't take advantage of the internal structures of CPLD.







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